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Thoughts On Fire

To Be

We all ponder God and what God is and each of us try to label God and many have gone to great lengths and created religions and movements and organizations based on philosophies in search of the truth in regard to God. The fact of the matter is; God is whatever you believe God is to you.
Throughout all the teachings and all the truths associated with the search for God and even within those groups and organizations that claim they’ve found God the one thing that seems to be well understood is that God is (or the Gods are) the creator of all things; even if you believe you are God and the creator of all things in your own circle of life.
Although I could argue strongly on every angle; the bottom line has nothing whatsoever to do with who or what or where God comes from. The introspect of God; the bottom line is, the awareness of God is solely intended to help you figure out and work toward making better connections with the life around you while being a holy entity at the same time.
In other words; the idea is to be Godlike in all you do and to treat everyone and everything as if they are significant and holy Godlike things and beings without any expectations or visions of grandiosity in the process. Do unto others as you would have done to you.
The connections we have with nature and people and those things in our lives are all that we really have. None of us get to keep any belongings or articles when we die. As for the experiences and memories; No one knows for certain, but it’s a nice theory that we might.
A sense of pride is not sinful when it’s been earned through generosity and the loving desire to truly be of service to your fellows. This kind of pride is not something you would boast about but is something you would acquire from others through their need to tell you they are grateful for all that you do; or better show you by being of service to you in some grand way. Isn’t this the same concept of giving thanks to God for the meal we are about to eat?
If we were to treat one another with Gratitude and Respect and Appreciation more; what do you think the world would be like in a few years from now?
Why do we get so wrapped up in things?
Why do we become selfish and greedy and deprive one another the simple recognition of the things we do rather than harping about the things we don’t do? Why must our gratitude be reserved for God; aren’t we all deserving of the same unconditional love?
To take this a step further; why do we need these connections?
Don’t they cause problems; isn’t it too much work to deal with other people’s drama? We all have needs; some of us need others in our lives to make us feel worthwhile and important; some of us need others in our lives to share ideas and thoughts with; and some of us need others in our lives to get things accomplished. We all have needs; community, togetherness, love, ideas, plans, tasks, business, sports, play and yes; even drama and bad news.
Why? Because that’s what gives us our greatest joy. We can be wealthy, have all our base needs met, drive an expensive car, own a boat, be free to travel to exotic places, meet and have supper with movie stars and so on and so forth; but none of those things mean a damned thing if you aren’t sharing those experiences in some way with people that have significance to you.
To be alive and free requires nothing more than to open your eyes and see the beauty in all that is right now this very moment. Nothing else has any significance; the past is done and the future is still out of reach no matter what you do.
To be the best version of yourself is to let go. Let go of worry about the future, fear of being rejected, hurts from the past and simply be who you are right now.
The scars you bare; they are the beautiful perfect imperfections that make you you. The fears you carry; the ones that make you think you aren’t good enough, they can’t possibly be true; you’re breathing the same air as everyone else, you’re a part of this thing called life just like everyone else. So what if you aren’t like everyone else; why would you want to be like them anyhow? Isn’t it much better to know you have differing talents and that though you may not be skinny as that model or have the hair that he has or the wealth of someone famous; you’ve beauty and wealth in other ways that make you you. To be worried about the future only makes today meaningless.
Yes, it’s important to pay our bills, but if you’re overspending or working a meager job; then the future is something you have the power to change. The future is the result of what you do today.
New ventures await you but only you have the tools to get on board that ship and get it sailing.
Faith is an action word; if you truly believe in the power of God; then it’s important to understand the one basic truth; God always works through you. He will never hand you a lottery ticket; you have to buy one first. He will never whisk you away from danger out of thin air; he’ll send someone; another person, to rescue you in his stead.
When you walk in faith and you are constantly doing things; planting seeds so to speak then good things always flow to you.
It’s the moment we sit back and let our mind fill us with disillusionment and fear and the idea that we’re lacking somehow that we lose faith and worry sets in. In a sense the mind is the devil’s advocate; be wary those limiting thoughts, shut them off and simply move yourself into positive action; God will do the rest.
Let go your misconception that you’ve any control over what others do and what events take place…
Understand the only person you can manage is you…
To love is to allow…
Let others be just as you would have them let you be…